Not to mention, I lost myself to motherhood.

I’m happy to say that over the last 20 years I managed to lose the 70 pounds and have taken the HARD lessons learned to help badass moms just like you transform how you feel and think about your body and lifestyle.

If you’re ready to transform the way you approach health through body confidence and mindset development without diet culture, you need to book a call with me ASAP to get you moving in the right direction.

Work with me 1:1

Not to mention, I lost myself to motherhood.

I’m happy to say that over the last 20 years I managed to lose the 70 pounds and have taken the HARD lessons learned to help badass moms just like you transform how you feel and think about your body and lifestyle.

If you’re ready to transform the way you approach health through body confidence and mindset development without diet culture, you need to book a call with me ASAP to get you moving in the right direction.

Work with me 1:1

Over the past 20 years since I lost 70 pounds, started living an all-organic lifestyle, and have had a 15-year long passionate running and weight training career. The last 8 years have been spent passionately coaching women in my lifestyle transformation coaching practice 85/15 Lifestyle™. 

As well as a coach to women, I am a happily married wife of 20 years and mother to 3 amazing children ages 21, 17, and 10. My family is my life and heart and the reason I teach and keep the balance in health. 

My coaching style is unique in that I believe moderation is key to long-term success to live free from yo-yo dieting and creating a lasting, sustainable lifestyle. I use both personal experiences as a woman and education to help coach and lead. 

I'm excited you are here and can't wait for you to get started and receive the support you need and deserve, so you can start feeling your absolute best! Start by booking a call with me below!

Book a Call

With Jeanette Lucero

Kicking the diet to the curb for good so you can live a balanced, maintainable healthy lifestyle. Listen everywhere you listed to podcasts. 

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8 yrs

Serving Women in Health


Diet Mindsets Ended

70,000 hrs

Worked in Health & Fitness


Women Inspired Daily



  1. DIETS SUCK…PERIOD: I truly believe it is not your fault you have struggled with yo-yo dieting and the diet culture. You were not taught what healthy truly means and what healthy truly looks like. Society has led you to believe you should fit into a mold! DIETING HAS BEEN NORMALIZED and it should have NEVER been! My mission is to DE-NORMALIZE DIETS because DIETS SUCK…PERIOD!
  2. YOUR HEALTH IS UNIQUE: Health is NOT a 1 size fits all lifestyle! YOU are your own unique unicorn that has your own wants and needs. I believe in creating a lifestyle that truly fits YOU and not a cookie-cutter diet!
  3. THE KEY TO CONSISTENCY IS ENJOYING WHAT YOU LOVE: I believe the key to consistency is knowing you will GET TO enjoy what you love! The foods you love should not be off-limits in order to achieve long-term, sustainable success in your health. Diet culture has told us CARBS ARE BAD, FATS ARE BAD and even JUNK FOOD IS BAD. I wholeheartedly disagree and in fact, have seen the opposite in my coaching time! A woman who gives herself permission to enjoy what she loves is a woman who will be able to stay consistent!




  1. DIETS SUCK…PERIOD: I truly believe it is not your fault you have struggled with yo-yo dieting and the diet culture. You were not taught what healthy truly means and what healthy truly looks like. Society has led you to believe you should fit into a mold! DIETING HAS BEEN NORMALIZED and it should have NEVER been! My mission is to DE-NORMALIZE DIETS because DIETS SUCK…PERIOD!
  2. YOUR HEALTH IS UNIQUE: Health is NOT a 1 size fits all lifestyle! YOU are your own unique unicorn that has your own wants and needs. I believe in creating a lifestyle that truly fits YOU and not a cookie-cutter diet!
  3. THE KEY TO CONSISTENCY IS ENJOYING WHAT YOU LOVE: I believe the key to consistency is knowing you will GET TO enjoy what you love! The foods you love should not be off-limits in order to achieve long-term, sustainable success in your health. Diet culture has told us CARBS ARE BAD, FATS ARE BAD and even JUNK FOOD IS BAD. I wholeheartedly disagree and in fact, have seen the opposite in my coaching time! A woman who gives herself permission to enjoy what she loves is a woman who will be able to stay consistent!


When you dieted all these years you didn’t know it would end up hurting you.

But somewhere between the desire for quick weight loss and not knowing where else to turn you ended up lost and stuck as to how to stay consistent and make health a lifestyle!

You struggle to even know where to begin or how to create consistency.

And now that you’ve reached an age where you just don’t have it in you anymore to do another diet you’ve realized you need help and you’re truly ready to learn how to make health a lifestyle.

Together we combine mindset, body, and LIFE so that you’re not heading down that same diet path again and instead of creating lasting, consistent, sustainable results in your health. THE RIGHT WAY!

Join Now

Why Choose Between Your Health and Oreos?

I know, I know, every health coach under the sun has told you to count macros, cut carbs, go gluten-free, no sugar, and the worst, workout for two hours a day. 

The "guru's" advice is exhausting just reading it in my head, which is why I created DIET FREEDOM, a 90 Day Program that will help you leave the diets behind while BEATING your health and wellness goals. 

It's possible. And it's time to free yourself from cabbage soup and kale diets forever.


Ditch the Diets

When you dieted all these years you didn’t know it would end up hurting you.

But somewhere between the desire for quick weight loss and not knowing where else to turn you ended up lost and stuck as to how to stay consistent and make health a lifestyle!

You struggle to even know where to begin or how to create consistency.

And now that you’ve reached an age where you just don’t have it in you anymore to do another diet you’ve realized you need help and you’re truly ready to learn how to make health a lifestyle.

Together we combine mindset, body, and LIFE so that you’re not heading down that same diet path again and instead of creating lasting, consistent, sustainable results in your health. THE RIGHT WAY!

Join Now

Why Choose Between Your Health and Oreos?

I know, I know, every health coach under the sun has told you to count macros, cut carbs, go gluten-free, no sugar, and the worst, workout for two hours a day. 

The "guru's" advice is exhausting just reading it in my head, which is why I created DIET FREEDOM, a 90 Day Program that will help you leave the diets behind while BEATING your health and wellness goals. 

It's possible. And it's time to free yourself from cabbage soup and kale diets forever.


Ditch the Diets